Monday, August 5, 2013

Ain't Technology Wonderful or why is it that no one responds to my resumes

A dear friend used to say "Ain't Technology Wonderful"

Thirty years ago, when we would send resumes, we would get a human reply.
Now with all of our wonderful technology, when a resume is emailed, it is scanned by software which picks out certain words. If you don't  have the certain words, then your resume is not sent further up the flag pole.
The only time a human might respond is when you are actually accepted for an interview.
Even hand carrying a resume to someone, does not mean they will read it.
The best advice I can offer is to read and re-read your resume, making sure there are NO mistakes on or in it.  Then put the resume down, walk away and come back in a day and read it all over again.  Then have a friend or two read it as well. The more eyes and brains which are looking at your resume, the better are the chances you might get a human to call you.
And make sure you follow up with either an email or better yet, a call to a real person.
If no one will call you, then call the company operator and ask for the name, email and phone number of the HR manager.

If they won't call you, then you call them

Somewhere along the way of technology, humans have forgotten about the spoken word and what it means to hear someones voice.

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